Getting Started
with Cambridge 2024
23 September - 1 October
Replay now available!
Kick off the school year with Cambridge!
Join us for 7 days of training where we will take a look at how Cambridge can support you to get the most out of your course and all Cambridge resources.
First, we will focus on generic resources, tools and training for all your teaching, learning, and assessment needs.
Later, we'll dive into your coursebook together! We will explore the pedagogy and components with practical ideas and tips from our expert trainers.
There will be morning and afternoon sessions each day (at 11:00 and 17:30 CET) so that you can choose the time that best suits you and your schedule.
We can’t wait to see you there!

23 September
11:00 | 17:30 (CET)

Young Learners
25 & 26 September
11:00 | 17:30 (CET)

27 September
11:00 | 17:30 (CET)

24, 30 Sept. & 1 Oct.
11:00 | 17:30 (CET)
Cambridge Support (30 min.)
Let’s take a look at how Cambridge can support you and your students in your teaching and learning, with our resources, tools and training.
Class Time! (45 min.)
Interactive sessions with practical activities and ideas for our main pre-primary courses:
- Greenman 2nd edition
- Pippa and Pop
- Pre-Primary for Italy
Cambridge Support (30 min.)
Let’s take a look at how Cambridge can support you and your students in your teaching and learning, with our resources, tools and training.
Class Time! (45 min.)
Interactive sessions with practical activities and ideas for our main exam courses, divided into two days as follows:
Wednesday 25 September
- Guess What!
- Kid's Box New Generation
- Life Adventures for Spain
Thursday 26 September
- Power Up
- Super Minds 2nd Edition
- Be Curious for Spain
Cambridge Support (30 min.)
Let’s take a look at how Cambridge can support you and your students in your teaching and learning, with our resources, tools and training.
Class Time! (45 min.)
Interactive sessions with practical activities and ideas for our main primary courses. Here are the courses that will be presented each day:
Friday 27 September
- Open World
- Complete
- Compact
Cambridge Support (30 min.)
Let’s take a look at how Cambridge can support you and your students in your teaching and learning, with our resources, tools and training.
Class Time! (45 min.)
Interactive sessions with practical activities and ideas for our main courses for secondary and teenagers. Here are the courses that will presented each day:
Tuesday 24 September for Italy
- Go for It! for Italy
- Both Sides for Italy
Monday 30 September for All
- Prepare
- Think 2nd edition
- Own It!
Tuesday 1 October for Spain
- Collaborate for Spain
- Thinking Space for Spain
- Shape the Future for Spain

Andrea Tolve
Professional Learning and Development Manager

Mark Meredith
Professional Learning and Development Trainer

Kate Trafford
Professional Learning and Development Trainer

Sarah Ellis
Senior Manager of Assessment Services
The Pedagogical Solutions Team brings together extensive expertise in teaching, teacher training, educational leadership, and professional development within the ELT field. With decades of experience across primary, secondary, and higher education institutions in multiple countries, they excel in creating and delivering innovative teaching methodologies and comprehensive teacher training programmes.
Their global experience includes managing professional development initiatives, guiding educational leaders, and enhancing teachers' digital skills and assessment literacy. The team is dedicated to translating educational theory into practical classroom strategies, ensuring research-based practices are effectively implemented in diverse learning environments.
Supported by advanced academic qualifications in education, applied linguistics, and TESOL, the team is committed to elevating the quality of English language education throughout Iberia, Italy and West Europe.
Of course, you can register for as many sessions as you wish!
Please use our registrations forms for Pre-Primary, Exams, Young Learners and Teenagers and sign up for all the coursebooks that you are using in your classroom or interest you.